The Ghana Dental Journal (GDJ) is the official publication of the Ghana Dental Association (GDA). The Journal publishes scientific papers, reports, research articles, and announcements of interest to Academia, Health Scientists. Articles in the field of dentistry, medical specialties, including basic sciences, paraclinical and clinical sciences, are published. Short or preliminary report on Original research work is also published
Each issue of Ghana Dental Journal (GDJ) is available in print
Subscription price: GHS100.00 per single copy and $50.00 for overseas subscription
African Journal Online
African Index Medicus.
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The Ghana Dental Association (GDA) is an Association of Dental Surgeons in Ghana and plays advocacy role for good oral health.
The GDA educates the Ghanaian populace on the importance of oral health and its link to overall general health.
The GDA seeks the welfare of it’s members and maintains professionalism, integrity to bring honour to the dental profession.
The Association affirms as its Philosophy that: Oral Health must be available, accessible, affordable, appropriate and acceptable at all times to all the people in Ghana.
In collaboration with other professionals in the health sector the GDA affirms and is committed to rendering good health care to the Ghanaian populace.
Ghana Dental Journal © 2001 by Ghana Dental Association is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 4.0